Friday, January 31, 2014

A Spartan Existence

I followed the Spartan Football team for their entire 2013 season. Here is the story by Scott Chappelear and the photo story I worked so hard on. 

Spartan Existence: Deptford Football 2013
By Scott Chappelear
on December 29, 2013 9 a.m.
No one associated with the Deptford High School football program wanted to see the 2013 season unfold the way it did, concluding with a Thanksgiving eve loss to Glassboro as the Spartans wrapped up the year at 1-9.
Head coach Mike Blackiston, a Deptford graduate who returned to take over the program three years ago and try to bring it back to the championship form of a decade ago, experienced plenty of frustration, disappointment and anger throughout this year. But he also offered something a little surprising after it was over.
“This sounds stupid, but I had more fun this year,” he said. “Not losing, but I had more fun ... I went back to doing the defense this year and I loved it, game-planning. I coached O-line and D-line, and I loved it. I really enjoyed the kids this year, even though they drove me nuts.
“I do think we’ve made vast improvements. We made the playoffs for the first time in six years (in 2012). I’ve upgraded equipment that protects our children. I think we’ve done a lot of positive things in three years. I’m where I want to be, but ... I wanted to be further along at this point.”
South Jersey Times photographer Calista Condo followed the team throughout the year and documented every aspect of Spartans football life — the good, bad and ugly, players and coaches, from the practice field to the locker room to the sideline and beyond.
And there was good, even in one of the worst seasons by record in program history. Blackiston’s first two seasons ended in 4-6 marks, but each began 3-2 and despite their improvements saw plenty of players leave. This season saw fewer players leave than before, and they worked as hard as ever to continue the building process.
It doesn’t show in the standings in part because of Deptford’s schedule, which featured five teams that reached at least the semifinals in the South Jersey playoffs including Group III champ Delseaand Group I champ Glassboro and just one team with fewer than four wins.
“It’s not going the way we wanted it to go, but ... a lot of people don’t really understand our schedule and just how tough it really was, to be facing championship teams,” said senior Jared Lewis. “That’s one of the worst feelings, when you know you couldn’t do anything else but you lost.”
“We still forged ahead, still prepped every week, we’re not giving up,” Blackiston said. “We’re trying to get more kids out, trying to make it a program.
“I want to get it back to the way it was, I still have that dream. Next time it’s good again, I’m going to appreciate it so much more. But I just want to get over the hump. I’ve got good assistant coaches, I’ve got a good core of kids.”
According to Blackiston, that core is mostly younger players who still need time to develop. But another of the pleasant surprises for Blackiston this season was the return of Dajuane Collins as an assistant coach.
The standout running back with the Spartans’ last title teams in 2003-04 and at the University of Toledo is now a Deptford teacher’s aide and juvenile corrections officer. And in just 10 years he can see how much things have changed.
“The typical fan, they love you when you’re winning and they hate you when you’re losing,” Collins said. “When I was playing, the stands were packed every week. Now when we’re not winning every week, people just don’t come out to support us.
“Pregame is pretty much a dry atmosphere. We have 10 fans in the stands, the band isn’t playing, we’re not allowed to play music to warm up to. That plays a part in the kids ... coming out flat. When you have fans in the stands cheering you on, the music’s playing ... it gives you an energy boost.”
“When you’re on the field and ... you look up (in the stands) and see no one’s there, no one’s cheering for you and no one really cares what you do right now, it kind of sinks into your heart,” said senior Chuckie Butler.
Collins too wants to see the program return to the glory days that he was most recently a part of, and notes he’s inspired by Blackiston’s dedication to coaching.
That dedication will continue as he keeps trying to lift up his alma mater – the football program, and by that the entire school. Blackiston is hoping for even more cooperation and communication with all sides, from the board and administration to the boosters, fans and youth programs, all in the name of pride for a team and a town.
“It was my dream job, it’s what I always wanted and looked forward to,” said Blackiston. “I love coaching the kids, I love being a coach on the field, I love calling defenses. That’s not where my problems lie. None of these kids in the school even know how fun it was, how fun the football games were, the pep rallies were ... the pride.
“I just want to enhance their high school experience. You’ve got to invest in it. Sports will trickle down and make everything better. You can put a good face on your school by having a good football team. I want a football town, a football community again.”


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